Evaluation of Phishing Attack Strategies on Mobile Device Users
mobile devices, phishing, attacksAbstract
Phishing is one of the most common types of hostile internet attacks, which are on the rise on a daily basis. Phishing is a deliberate act that uses deception to trick unsuspecting individuals into disclosing their personal information online. Phishing attacks change in size and shape over time as they all have unique characteristics. Therefore, this paper attempts to evaluate phishing attack strategies on mobile device users by taking into account new techniques such as phishing attacks on videoconferencing services, SMS, voice calls, emails, and social media. The study also carried out a survey with the use of a questionnaire (via google form) to gather data from 122 mobile device users across Nigeria to elicit their awareness and experience, as well as responses to phishing attacks. The aim of this paper is to bring to light, phishing attacks techniques targeted at mobile device users, to sensitize the populace and provide information on how to avoid them.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Adekola Ajayi, Michael Segun Olajide, Oluwagboyega Peter Afolabi, Oladoyin Anthony Abiodun

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